- State: California
- City: Bakersfield
- Other Cities: Bakersfield
- Preferred contact option: Phonecall
- Age: 18-24
- Ethnicity: Mixed
- Height: 5'5"-5'7"
- Tranny: No
- Piercings: Yes
- Smokes: Yes
- Hair color: Brunette
- Hair length: Shoulder
- Hair Style: Curly
- Services: Escort
- Other services: Men
- Breast Size: 34
- Breast Cup: C
- Breast Appearance: Natural
- Kitty: Trimmed
- Ass: Nice and Round
- Implants: No
- Body Type: Curvy
- Pornstar: No
- Punctuality: Yes
Quick Notes:
Hey love Im a very beautifully mixed bombshell
Let's be grown and have fun
Incall rates
- 15 Minutes: $120
- 30 Minutes: $240
- 60 Minutes: $340
Outcall rates
- 15 Minutes: $140
- 30 Minutes: $260
- 60 Minutes: $360