- State: New York
- City: Brooklyn
- Other Cities: Queens
- Age: 18-24
- Ethnicity: African American
- Height: 5'-5'4"
- Tranny: No
- Smokes: No
- Hair color: Brunette
- Hair length: Shoulder
- Hair Style: Other / Don't Remember
- Services: Escort
- Breast Size: 34
- Breast Cup: C
- Breast Appearance: Saggy
- Kitty: Partial Shave
- Ass: Flat
- Implants: No
- Body Type: Average
- Pornstar: No
- Punctuality: Yes
Quick Notes:
Scammer. set up to be ripped off. Does not deliver on anything. Does not attempt to deliver has a group of people who work to interrupt via door knocks and other interruptions then uses threats to force the situation. goes by many names.
Made arrangements via text for time and accessories made plan to meet.
Arrive to a security patrolled building, made way up to destination on top floor. Entered a messy and some what dirty apartment where this was dyke behind the door that would step out prior to making arrangements, before anything was placed on the table I confirmed that everything was agreed upon before hand to which she agreed. That done of course everything becomes an issue.
She refuses to take cloths off, refuses to use the bed, refuses to actually give a vocal performance. Then starts the door knocks and interrupts and she being worried about cops. This goes on for 20 ish minutes, not even half the time i paid for and then she opens the door for the dyke from before and some dude who both proceed to force the issue. In a no winning position i then leave,
Goes by different names mahgony ,candy cane and Apple are two others i think.